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Casa Juncosa

Salvador Viñals i Sabaté
Barcelona (1847) - (1926)

By Salvador Viñals i Sabaté (1907-1909), which occupies a large site on the corner of Carrer València and features a large central bay window and a slightly Modernista foyer.

Actions on Modernista Heritage City Council Programme Barcelona, posa’t guapa (Barcelona, get pretty)

Restoration of interior façades.
Restoration of artistic stained glass and light well. 26/3/2009

Get the Guidebook of Barcelona Modernisme Route

The Barcelona Modernisme Route is an itinerary through the Barcelona of Gaudí, Domènech i Montaner and Puig i Cadafalch, who, together with other architects, made Barcelona the great capital of Catalan Art Nouveau. With this route you can discover impressive palaces, amazing houses, the temple that is symbol of the city and an immense hospital, as well as more popular and everyday works such as pharmacies, shops, shops, lanterns or banks. Modernisme works that show that Art Nouveau took root in Barcelona and even today is still a living art, a lived art.

The Guidebook of Barcelona Modernisme Route can be acquired in our centers of Modernisme.

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